"Sometimes we just need to be present with others who have had experiences similar to our own; to be seen and heard for who we are and what we've been through, and maybe to help others navigate those same rough waters."
Minot Vets for Vets is a collaborative effort by local veterans who saw a need in our community for wellness and mental health support provided to former service members by persons with similar life experiences. Vets for Vets centers its activities and services around peer support, and through that vehicle provides connection, information, and resources for persons who are simply looking to live better lives.
Vets for Vets peer support gatherings offer former service members the opportunity to connect with each other through shared experience, and, in turn, to become supporters and resources for others. Meetings on the first Tuesday of the month offer informational topics as well as peer support, and we are always happy to address topics that are of interest to those who take part.
Women who have served in the military face unique challenges. Our women's peer support group offers the opportunity for women to connect and to receive understanding and validation of their experiences from others who have been in their shoes.
Minot Vets for Vets is striving to expand opportunities for area former service members to find connection and support. As part of this effort, Peer Vision applied for and was awarded Suicide Prevention Community Programming Funding through the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services. This funding will allow Vets for Vets to establish a designated veteran gathering space, build its veteran peer support program, add educational opportunities, and enhance its resource and referral capabilities.
In July of 2024, Minot Vets for Vets was awarded funding from the Donald and Genevieve Roush Fund, through the Minot Area Community Foundation, to assist with the purchase of technology and equipment used for veteran peer support, education, and community outreach at the new Vets for Vets meeting center. This funding has allowed Vets for Vets not only to provide a welcoming, efficient meeting space for individuals who take part, but also to stretch beyond our walls to touch the lives of others who might not have immediate access to our center. Peer Vision and Vets for Vets are grateful for this funding that has already facilitated the set-up of our meeting space, allowed veterans to join peer support groups remotely if needed, enabled in-house peer support specialist training, provided outreach capabilities through website, social media, and electronic communication, and so much more. We are humbled and thankful for this community support, and will, in turn, use these resources to enhance available veteran support our community.
As our project grows, check back here for information about developments. You can also contact us with ideas or needs that might fit our program.
The new Vets for Vets meeting center is located at 720 Western Avenue, Suite 101 in Minot, just downstairs from the Harmony Center. As of June 3, 2024, the center opened with limited hours that encompassed peer support meeting times and special activities. As of August 2024, the center is staffed by a former service member trained in peer support, and will accommodate regular open hours, casual activities and gatherings, peer support group meetings, educational opportunities, and more. It will
Open today | 04:00 pm – 08:00 pm |
Phone: 701-852-1924
Email: minotvetsforvets@gmail.com
Mailing Address: 720 Western AVE, Ste 101, Minot, ND 58701